Team AdInMo’s Top 10 Mobile Games of 2021

Dec 17, 2021

While it hasn’t been a great year for much, 2021 has been a great year for games, particularly in the world of mobile. From exciting new releases, to revisiting the classics, there was something for everybody. Here at Team AdInMo, we’ve sorted through our favourites to bring you our top 10 mobile games of 2021!

10: Hearthstone

“For the seventh year running, Hearthstone claims the title of ‘My favourite mobile game’. It’s not just the addictive, constantly-evolving gameplay that keeps pulling me back, but the ongoing meta discussions around the game, which play out like an endless digital soap opera between every expansion.” Nathan Ball, Game Design

9: First Strike

“This was my go to game for 2021, especially now that it offers multiplayer, so you can nuke your friends! If you like destroying the world but found Plague, Inc a bit too close to (working-from-) home, then this game might be for you. Like WOPR said: shall we play a game?” Kristan Rivers, CEO

8: Golf Clash

“It’s a good way to pass the time on the train, and a good substitute for real golf in the cold winter months.” – Kevin Walsh, Account Management

7: Gumslinger

It’s like shooting your way through a packet of Haribo.  The game seems simple in theory, but you never know how these unpredictable gummy characters are going to bend, twist and fall when you shoot them. It’s oddly satisfying and, as with all best mobile games, simple but rather addictive. It’s clear why Google Play chose the guys from Itatake for their Indie Games Festival winner this year.– Joanne Lacey, COO

6: The House of Davinci

“Because it really makes you look at everything and think; I enjoy that kind of logical puzzle game.” – Jeff Edwards, Data Science

5: H.I.D.E.

I am embarrassed to admit that 2021 was not very rich for me in terms of playing games, but I’ve probably played H.I.D.E. the most. Sometimes due to testing our ads in the game, but sometimes it was really just to play the game itself. The multiplayer aspect is truly fun!” – Kon Rybnikov, Engineering

4: Idle Slayer

“A fun pixel art idle game, with plenty of strategy and a large community behind it.” – James McLaren, Engineering

3: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

“Because it’s a very, very well-made game. But mostly, because it’s Star Wars.” – Kiril Rusanov, Technical Support

2: Brawlhalla

“Still amazing that side scrolling fighting games can be so much fun. Strip away all the current graphics and visual headsets and go back to a good old 80’s fighter game. It’s a winner!” – Lewis Horgan, Business Development

1: Sky: Children of the Light

Rarely does a game actually lower my blood pressure, but playing Sky is just so chill. If the visuals don’t lighten your heart then the soundtrack will be sure to sweep you into a zen like state in minutes. This is such a feel-good game that it’s no wonder the huge community of international online players are super friendly too.” – Jo Marshall, Digital Marketing


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