
  1. To start, click here to be taken to our new Sign Up page to begin the process.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your new AdInMo Developer Portal Account. You can use your email or Google, but not both.
  3. You’ll need to accept the Terms & Conditions (these have not changed) and complete the reCAPTCHA.
  4. You will receive a verification email to finalise your portal account set up.
  5. Once your account has been verified, you can sign in at portal.adinmo.com. You will not have automatic access to your games and revenue data and need to send us an email at support@adinmo.com from the email address you signed up with to complete the migration. Set the subject to “New Portal Sign Up” and in the body include:

    • your name
    • company
    • email address used on the new portal
    • email address used on the old portal (if it has changed)
    • a name of one or more of your games.
  6. Our support team will then link your new account to your existing data.
  7. You may need to re-enter your PayPal email address. You can do this by going to your account page, under payment or click here.
  8. That’s it you’re all set!


Why have you launched a new portal?

The new portal has been designed with the user in mind making it much more intuitive and easier to navigate. It features a new dashboard and we will be continuing to add new features and improving the portal based on your feedback.

Why do I have to sign up again?

The portal uses a new secure authentication provider and new sign up is required to not compromise the security of your data.

Can I use the same email address and as the old portal?

Yes, you can sign up to the new portal using the same email address.

Can I use the same password as the old portal?

Yes, as long it meets the password requirements. Although as a general rule we’d always recommend you don’t reuse passwords.

See this comic for why.

What are the new password requirements?

Passwords should have:

  • minimum of eight characters
  • one uppercase letter
  • one lowercase letter
  • one number


We recommend longer passwords that are easy to remember and not used elsewhere.

See this comic for why.

Can I signup with an email and password then login with Google?

No. Once you sign up you cannot change the method you login with.

Can I sign up with Google then login using a username and password

No. Once you sign up you cannot change the method you login with.

Why is my impressions data not loading in on the overview page?

Ensure any ad-blockers are disabled, if the issue persists please contact support: support@adinmo.com

Need Help?

Check out our FAQ for common questions and answers. If you’re new to AdInMo and looking for further help, check out our guides.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact our support team at support@adinmo.com