Our Story

AdInMo was founded in 2017 in the home of games development Austin, Texas with one clear ambition: to make the advertising in games less sh*t…! In late 2019, we set up our HQ in Edinburgh, Scotland, the data capital of Europe to unlock the true potential of personalized in-game advertising for players, developers and advertisers alike. Today, Team AdInMo is a fully distributed global team committed to always follow three guiding principles to make InGamePlay a great experience for everyone.

Keep Players Playing

Give developers choice & control

Connect advertisers with relevant audiences

Immersive ads that add value

New monetization solutions

Data-driven targeting and metrics

Pioneering Change

Both the games and advertising ecosystems are facing big changes. Regulators and consumers alike demand greater privacy. Developers are under pressure from soaring user acquisition costs and ad fatigue that drives churn. Advertisers want more value from their media spend and need to be able to measure attention and engagement. In-game advertising is pioneering change now offering

Next Level

We’re on a mission to make in-game advertising a scalable programmatic media channel. Data is at the heart of our approach. It’s not about tracking (we’re glad IDFA went away and that cookies are next); it’s about creating targeted brand experiences for diverse player personas based on contextual targeting, mapping behavioural data and proprietary signals.

Always privacy first

More player agency

Greater brand relevancy


Five things we’re looking forward to in Cannes

Five things we’re looking forward to in Cannes

Team AdInMo is heading to Cannes Lions. The ultimate FOMO event for the advertising world and celebration of creativity.   1. We can’t wait to see the shortlist for this year’s Entertainment Lions for Gaming… although do hope one day we’re all gathering in Cannes...

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Developers must diversify monetization to survive

Developers must diversify monetization to survive

Following the release or our latest multi-format InGamePlay SDK, PocketGamer.biz, spoke to Kristan Rivers about why we’ve added rewarded and audio ads and what this means to changing landscape of in-game advertising. This article was written by Paige Cook, Deputy...

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