Gaming shines on La Croisette: A CEO’s week at Cannes Lions

Gaming shines on La Croisette: A CEO’s week at Cannes Lions Walking up and down the perennially sunny La Croisette last week I was really excited about how this year’s Cannes Lions 2024 truly spotlighted the marketing industry’s increasing focus on gaming as an...

AdInMo Developer Shoutout

AdInMo Developer Shoutout Check out these top-notch mobile games that are turning in-game advertising into an art form!  InGamePlay integrations from NOXGAMES, Promotion Software and Smokoko are visual proof ads can actually enhance gameplay, as well as providing...

The Evolution of Gaming: From Niche to Mainstream Ad Powerhouse

The Evolution of Gaming: From Niche to Mainstream Ad Powerhouse AdInMo Advisor, Yasin Dabhelia, explores gaming’s journey towards a mainstream media channel and how brands are recognizing its potential as a vital component of their marketing strategies, particularly...

Introducing Immersive In-Game Audio Ads

Introducing Immersive In-Game Audio Ads In the fast-evolving landscape of digital advertising, innovative and non-intrusive formats are becoming increasingly sought after by both brands and developers. InGamePlay audio ads are available as an exciting new feature of...