Testing Features and Techniques

Testing Features and Techniques Testing your game is one of the most important, and often undervalued, facets of game development. Good testers, and good test procedures, can be the difference between a smash-hit Game of the Year, and a buggy, disappointing,...

Giving Developers Choice & Control

Giving Developers Choice & Control The benefits of in-game advertising are clear: incremental revenue and a non-interruptive experience for your players. But we know that, for you, it’s in-YOUR-game advertising. This is why our toolset includes features to give...

A History of In-Game Advertising and Why They Just Work

A History of In-Game Advertising and Why They Just Work Back in 2008 WIRED published an article titled  “Why In-Game Ads Just Won’t Work”, exploring why in-game advertising would eventually become “…a thing of the past.” As CEO and co-founder of an in-game...

Don’t Lose Players. Rethink Your Monetization Strategy.

Don’t Lose Players. Rethink Your Monetization Strategy. More… Immersive in-game advertising campaign promotes Doctor Who: Worlds Apart NFT Drop We are excited to announce our partnership with Reality Gaming Group to promote the launch of its third drop of...