A better way to game

A better way to game The call to arms of NSPCC’s inaugural Game Safe Festival was ‘to help build a safer online world for young people’. Our COO Joanne Lacey participated in a roundtable of publishers & developers, platforms, industry bodies, eSports teams and...

Hardcore or Casual? Both. Neither. That’s not the point!

Hardcore or Casual? Both. Neither. That’s not the point! AdInMo’s Senior Partnership Manager for LATAM, Manuela Magalhaes was recently at Maximidia in Brazil and here shares her takeaways from the show. Despite LATAM being big adopters of in-game advertising, it’s...

Why is everyone still eating at McDonalds?

Why is everyone still eating at McDonalds? At DMEXCO 2023, IAB Europe previewed the results of its Attitudes To Programmatic Advertising Survey. Here we lift the hood on one of its key findings: the pivotal shift back to the use of third-party data. DMEXCO is always a...